Sunday, April 24, 2011

Creating some drama Part 3

This will be long and have lots of pictures XD
So, there's not really any drama going on right now XD but whatever.
I've been playing with Tiger Lily pretty much the whole time Tropic Acai was pregnant. Tiger Lily is an inventor so..I've been doing that a lot :D The very first thing she invented was the time machine o.o how weird.
One night, when Tiger Lily was getting scrap from the junkyard down the street, she got caught by the cop, because it was past curfew ;-;
Tropic Acai yelled at her XD

Tiger Lily looks as if she's thinking "What the hell? I was just down the street, mom. Over reacting much?"
Look how far Tropic Acai had to walk just to yell at her o-o

Pretty far for someone who's pregnant.
Since I had everyone busy all the time, the house was getting dirty, so Tropic Acai hired a maid :D She got the want to sculpt her, so I did.

I thought that was funny.
Now, on to the new kid.
Even though I had Tropic Acai eat apples (right after the chime went off, and when she first changed into maternity clothes) she STILL had a girl. -.- Oh well, plenty of time to have a boy.
This time, I had her go to the hospital since she had Tiger Lily at home.

I named her Peach Blossom. Kind of doesn't fit with her skin color, but I don't care.
Of course, when I got her home, I aged her up XD she's a teen at the moment. This is her as a teen.

I tried to make her dress older than her age, because she's flirty and her lifetime wish is to date 10 different sims. I wanted her to look like 'that' kinda of girl, if ya know what I mean. But she's no ho XD just dresses like one.
She TOTALLY looks like Merlot. lol
Here's the sisters together

Since I wanted them to have a boy, I decided to make Merlot and Tropic Acai try for baby in the past (in the time machine) so he'd come out a young adult already XD lol
Well, they got a boy :D obviously, it didn't fulfill their want to have a boy (because he wasn't 'born' lol) but whatever. I had played on renaming him something related to wine (that's my plan for the boys. for girls, flowers.) but I like the one he had (Julian. I really like that name)
Anyway, here he is
-before I gave him a makeover-


He looks mostly like Tropic Acai. He's got Merlot's eye color though. NO IDEA where the blonde hair came from.
I made him move out though. I didn't really feel like playing him ;-;
I might have to move him back in though. I'm thinking of moving their household to another town, probably SV. I LOVE Bridgeport, but after a while, it ALWAYS starts going real slow, freezing every other minute, etc. :/ which sucks. It's fine at first, but after a few days of play..yeah. The only thing that will suck about moving them, is that Devin won't appear as Tiger Lily's father anymore :/ but oh well. I never planned on having them meet anyway. :D

Btw, I want to post some pictures of the paintings Merlot has done, because I have a painting mod that replaces the EA paintings.

(that giraffe is the first one he did.)

(that sketch is Tropic Acai's)
I don't like Twilight, but I kept those two paintings of Twilight because they were really well done XD lol

That's all for now :D
Soon, I might be creating some more drama. I'm thinking of having Tropic Acai have babies with a bunch of different guys XD

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