Sunday, December 5, 2010


Don't read. This is just because I was bored, and like doings this crap.

1. What is your best friends name?

2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now?
Pink oh lawd

3. What are you listening to right now?
I Don't Care by 2NE1

4. Whats your favorite number?
13 cliche, I know, but it's not because it's supposed to be 'unlucky', more because I like writing it and think it looks cool. I know, odd.

5. What was the last thing you ate?

6. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
I'd want to be a purple crayon but if it's based on who are you as a person, I'd probably be like...a shade of gray. I would explain, but I'm lazy. It doesn't mean anything 'bad' (IE: depression, whatever.)

7. How is the weather right now?
COLD AS HELL. if hell is cold, that is. to be specific, it's windy, and 27 degrees ferinheight.

8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone?
2? JUST KIDDING, it's not that bad. But I have no idea, actually. WAIT....I think it was my grandma. She's really the only person I talk to on the phone. Amazing, I know.

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

Just kidding. I don't always look at their asses. It depends. Anyway, first thing is either the eyes, lips, or nose. I like all three (don't even ask about the nose part. I don't know myself)

10. Do you have a significant other?

except it's not that bad. I don't want anyone
p.s., when I searched google for the forever alone picture, I this and it's effin awesome

11. Favorite TV show?

12. Siblings?
I've got 4. I'm the oldest (at 18), then there's my brother Dylan, he's 15, then my sister Caitlin, she's 10, my brother Cody (don't know his age, but like 8 probably. our dad is the same dad and he lives with them, and I never see him, so ya.) and my mom had a baby in march, Evan, he's 8 months old. All of us (except my sister [and Cody]) have different dads. LOL, makes mom sound bad, but she's not.

13. Height?
5 foot; 8inches tall, beeyotch.

14. Hair color?
Naturally it's about this color, which is technically auburn. my red is, and my roots are like..blonde/white, and theres bits of blonde throughout my hair (sounds...odd, but it's not as weird as it sounds). what DOES look odd is that my eyebrows are black. Anyway, my hair tends to look more brown in the winter, and red in the summer (as expected). I dye my hair though (it never last long. my hair just won't hold dye well) right now, it's kind of dark brown. the natural red is starting to come out though (p.s., since I have freckles too, I'm technically A GINGER KID. btw, it;s true. we have no souls.)

15. Eye Color?
Technically hazel, but it changes. No, I'm not some douche bag who just WISHES their eye changed and says it does to seem more cool, mine ACTUALLY do. During the day, especailly when it's sunny, they look olive green. At night, or when it's cloudy, they more of an actual hazel color, sometime a light brown. It's pretty awesome.

16. Do you wear contacts?
No, I have glasses. But I'm hopeing to get contacts soon.

17. Favorite holiday?
Halloween. It's SO much fun dressing up. It's the only day I can go out looking dead, and no body cares and/or thinks I'm weird.

18. Month?

19. Have you ever cried for no reason?
Nope. I almost never cry. It just...doesn't happen.

20. What was the last movie you watched?
Absolutely no idea.

21. Favorite Day of the Year?

22. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
YES :O maybe someday, I won't be.

23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)?
I used to be able to. I haven't tried in a long while, so I don't know.

24. Hugs or Kisses?

25. Chocolate or Vanilla?
chocolate, I guess.

26. Do you want your friends to respond to this?

27. Who is most likely to respond?

28. Who is least likely to respond?

for those three, don't care :P

29. What books are you reading?
none ;-;

30. Piercings?
6, three on each ear. I used to have my lip pierced, but took it out.

31. Favorite movies?
I have a few. Carla, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Silent Hill, Grease.

32. Favorite football Team?

33. what were u doing before this?
about to get my simming on.

34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?
Butter AND salted

37. Dogs or cats?
Cats. Dogs just annoy me. puppies are cute though.

38. Favorite flower?
Tiger Lillies.

39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?
not really. not that I can remember.

40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex?

41. Have you ever loved someone?
see above

42. Who would you like to see right now?

43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten?

44. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yep. and shot myself :O if bb guns count. LOL

45. Do you like to travel by plane?
Don't know, I've never been on one. I'm scared to get on one :O don't like heights.

46. Right-handed or Left-handed?
I can almost be both. lol. but right mostly.

47. How many pillows do you sleep with?
There's three on my bed. I use a regular one under my head, and under that I have a body pillow, and the third is kept and the end of my bed.

48. Are you missing someone?

49. Do you have a Tattoo?
NO :[ I was supposed to get on my birthday, but mom didn't want me too because she thought taking me to the mall for my 18th birthday would have been more fun -.- (I walked around for 6 hours in th emall with my BFF, and bought NOTHING. IT sucked tbh)

50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

I changed how my blog thing looks =D and the name, because I got bored of the other. I'm pretty sure no one cares, but whatever :P
I need to make more sims (well, I don't NEED to, but I want to)
I think I'm going to do something I started on TS2, which is making modern Disney Princesses. I think I'll start with Snow White, just because I downloaded the perfect hair for that yesterday.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So last last week, I started a new game in Sunset Valley. After putting a couple clubs/bars (Which was hard btw, because they're all on HUGE lots), I went into CAS and made a family. Since the game I had in Twinbrook had to be deleted, I Decided I'd use littlesmirk's Sam and Dean Winchester again.(which is here and here)
Along with them, I made a sim named Lucia, based off an OC of mine
This si what she looks like

after I turn her into a vamp.

.I didn't change anything on Sam, except his everyday outfit (since LN came with a perfect jacket for him), but with Dean, I changed some of his features a little.
Dean had the lifetime wish to woohoo with 5 different sims in 5 different places. I finished it in two sim days XD. I made him first woohoo in their house with some sim who visted (to welcome them ) II forgot her name, but she was kinda fat, and ugly XD
scratch that, I just looked and her name is Madison VanWatson. That night, I made him go to a club (one that came with the preorder of LN) There he met Erin Kennedy, whol was ugly and weirdly muscular. I decided I'd make her over because I didn't want everyone he woohooed to be ugly, so she looked pretty after :D They woohooed in a hot tub I placed outside the building.
The next day, he woohooed a made over Pauline Wan (I made her clothes VERY bright. I Changed none of her features because she was already pretty) they woohooed in City Hall. Then he went to the salon. I built a basement underneath with a bedroom (XD) and he woohooed one of the big boobed tattoo artists. While there, I saw River McIrish and made her over. She was pretty, so I had him flirt with her XD they didn't woohoo though because she had to leave. He went to Little Corsican Cafe and met Molly French out there. I made her over mostly because her blush was anooying me. I thought she was very pretty after ward, so I decided she'd be the he'd marry, therefore I didn't have him flirt with her, etc. INstead, he went to the theater and met Victoria Andrews (a married woman :O :O) and woohooed her there, completing his LTW. While I waited for the next day, I decided I'd put Lucia and Sam together. So he was in the hottub, skinny dipping. I made her go do the same, and they 'cuddled' and made out. LOL. when he got out, he had a towel around him XD it said his clkothes got stolen.
Anyway, they flirted over the next two days, and became bf/gf. meanwhile, I had Dean and Molly get together. A couple sim days later, had her move in. Then the next day or two, got her pregnant. She had a boy named Jayden. since I hate the kid years, I skipped him up to teen right away. I almost imediatly took him into CAS, before I even got a good look at him (I do this mostly to change their clothes. I put them in CAS so I Can change any weird features). Now since Molly kind of has a long face/nose, And the sims genetics are weird, I kinda figured he'd look a tad odd.
but what I Saw was more than odd :O
before I show him, I'll show his parents.
This is Molly

And this is Dean

As you can see, they are fairly attractive.
Yeah, well this is their son.

I was like

He looks like what a horse would look like if they were suddenly human. srsly.
I HAD to change it. it was just...ew.
I tried not to change much though

He looked MUCH better after I raised his nose up. I only then changed his eyes some. He still looks a somehow. kinda real average. But he looks better as a YA. I made him a YA before I fixed his face.
Anyway, after that, I had his parents get married, and on the same night, I had Sam propose to Lucia. =D I'll mak ethem marry in a few days.

I just had to show that.
Now I'm off to play the sims again, and make a couple sims =D

Friday, November 12, 2010


A note on that last post.
I just realized I named him Dagger instead of JAgger XD it was SUPPOSED to be Jagger, but I guess I wasn't paying attention when I named him.
So his name is Dagger Dash. lol.

Late Night sims

I think with this game, they wanted to make up for all the ugly that came with Twinbrook. Almost all the sims in Bridgeport are at least average looking. There's a lot of them that are pretty (The girls anyway. there's quite a few guys that are good looking though. once you change their hair and clothes XD)

I really like Morrigan Hemlock. Even though her eyebrows are a bit too arched, and she's a little too muscular .
Her daughter is pretty too when she grows up :D

The first people I made for Bridgeport were sisters named Lucia and Brittany. I planed for Lucia to be turned into a vampire, so I made her kinda 'alternative' looking. Brittany is a blonde with huge boobs XD I had too, since we got new sliders.
They both wanted to be in the film career, so I put them in that. Brittany became friends with Matthew Hamming and she got a few stars. She evetually married Matthew and had two kids with him (so far.) both boys, named Rickie and Joss. I didn't pick the names because I wasn''t playing their household when that happened (I had Lucia move out) Joss is alright looking. I HAD to fix his eyebrows. they were weird. Rickie is still a baby.

I had Lucia become friends with Morrigan ( lol testingcheatsenabled) and had her turn Lucia. I also made Lucia be friends with some celebrities, and she became one herself.

I decided to make a husband for her. After they met and all that, I had her turn him, then moved him into her house. Afte rhe turned vamp, she got pregnant and had a kid (she got 'publically disgraced' for having a kid out of wedlock XD) anyway, his name is Jagger (his dads name btw is Valentine. yes, I got the names from Vampire Kisses XD)

By the time the kids is a teen, both the parents are 5 star celebrities. I wanted Jagger to date a vampire, so I had him flirt with Bianca Rubble. (yes, she's an adult, but I have a mod for that.) She did not like it XD. So I had him flirt with Morrigan (yeah, she's married. but she hates her husband XD) she didn't like it either. I was about ready to just make a girl for him, but he met Hannah Smyth (she lives in the Pala household) she was pretty, a teen, but she was human also.
He flirted with her, and she liked it! so They got together. He wanted to marry her after they 'went steady' O.O which was weird. Anyway, like the next day, she aged up XD so I just aged Jagger up too. They got married, he turned her. They lived in a penthouse for a while, then I decided I wanted them to have kids, so I placed a house and moved them in. after redecorating, I had her get pregnant. She had three boys named Lucas, Lucien and Levi. BUT, since she had a garden, I was going to place that magic knome(I don't think I spelled that right) thing I have (a mod from mts). I didn't know it didn't work with Late Night, so when I clicked it, the game crashed and I DIDN'T SAVE AFTER SHE HAD THE KIDS. So I started it back up yesterday, made a dance club, she had a party there, and the next sim day she had th ebabies. but this time it was only two ;-; I named them Lucien and Lucas. I'm going to make her have another kid soon becaus eJAgger wants a girl XD

I feel this was longer than it should have been XD

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


for the past fews days, when I've gotten on TS3, I really never did anything D:
I'll want to play, but not want to at the same time.
I keep wanting to mess around in photoshop, but I don't know what to do -_- lol

I'm bored

Monday, October 4, 2010


If Toki Wartooth were real.....
point made? I think so.
this also applies to Skwisgaar and Pickles, but more so to Toki

sorry. Metalocalypse is on, and I'm bored.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I had a dream last night we drove out to see Las Vegas! lolol Mayday Parade
And in this dream, there was a woman trying to kill me and few other people ( I have no idea who they were D:)
guess who this woman was? Vita Alto
except she wasn't in sim form, she was real.

It was very strange.

stupid stove

2 days ago (I think o.o ) I saw this thread, and downloaded her version of Dean (and Sam the day after, that's when she put him up.) I moved them into Sunset Valley (where I have to play Echo now -.-

/over dramatic
I hovered over the task square thingy (Wtf are those called? ) and it said 'Woohoo'
I have the woohoo mod thing from the guy(?) who made the master controller/super computer mod
I found it hilarious that they did that right after I thought about making them do that.
once they got done, he was now a romantic interest <.<>going to have her be with Sam first, but obviously they didn't want it that way
So I decided to just have Echo divorce Orion (they didn't get along too well anyways, I cheated ot make them BFF's just because he's a ghost and I wanted ghost babies [btw, they had triplets not that long ago, forgot to post about that. one is a ghost baby, one has Echo's gray skintone, and one has a normal skintone, all are girls] ,anyway, when I let them interact with eachother however they wanted, they had a tendency to fight. so whatever. I can alway smake them get back together. He kept all the kids, btw.)
then I switched households to the Winchesters house. since it was late, I had to wait for morning to invite Echo over, to ask her to move in. I had Sam and Dean jump on the trampoline, then they both wanted to upgrade shiz, so I did that. I had Dean start upgrading the shower./tub and had Sam start upgrading the stove. Both of them have the handy skill maxed
but guess what? Sam freaking electrocutes himself. I guess I shouldn't have made him continue once he got fried the first time. lol.
When grim came, Dean was out there crying, blahblah, I thought it was funny. Made me think of those times Sam 'died' on Supernatural XD

After Grim took him to 'the netherworld' , he had the balls to stay

I made Dean talk to him, (and I didn't cheat and make them BFF) and he thought he was boring XD
then I made Dean call Echo, she came over, he asked her to move in, they flirted (btw, she ALREADY got a new boyfriend. wtf. it was only a few HOURS after she divorced Orion. Whore -.-

and then I Saved and quit. the end

I think this was longer than it should have been.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Just preordered Late Night from amazon.
I got the release date shipping which is 99 cents o_o
Which is weird since the one day shipping is $9
no idea how that works out, but I checked 5 times before I ordered, to make sure it really is the release date shipping.
and it is.
that's hella awesome.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm probably going to preorder Late Night this weekend

from Amazon
here incase anyone else wants to see.
I'm going to choose release date delivery, and guess what? It'll only cost 99 cents. =D
that's effin awesome.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Ya know, I didn't know that there was so much stuff you could do with the gems and metals. I found this and I've been 'transfiguring" a bunch of stuff :3

p.s.- Echo and her ghostly lover need to get engaged =O


Last night, I think I forgot to say this, but since my game messed up, I had to delete the save and use the backup. Anyway, it was saved right before Echo had her babies, and this time, they both weren't ghost babies D: only Shadow is a ghost baby now. But that's fine, I guess. I can always make her have more. I wish I could travel to China though ;-; or the other places. When I actually want to use the WA features, it doesn't let me.How messed up is that?

/end rant

I'm going to try to remake a sim I had in TS2
she looked like this girl from America's Next Top Model:

If you don't know who she is, then that's not a very good picture, she's actually prettier than that, but anyway,
the sim kinda really looked like her, except the sim was a redhead and had freckles. I didn't realize she looked like her until I got done, lol. so it was by accident. I named her Natasha snce she looked like her. lol.
But yeah, I really liked that sim, so I want her again =D

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I've been playing my sims game all day. I've been saving it and all that, I last saved it before I sent my sim, Echo, on a trip to China. I had been playing her in China since about 7:30pm. It is not 12:20am. I got her up to visa level 3, so I could buy that 'sultans tabernacle' tent.
then I had her buy two vacation houses, and I clicked to send her home. and guess what? IT CRASHED.
I'm not sending my sims on any vacations anymore, because it has crashed everytime, since I started having trouble a few days ago. I'm HELLA mad because I spend so much time getting her to visa level 3.

dang it -.-

Well yesterday, I sent Echo to France, I didn't really do a whole lot there, only completed two adventures, but when I sent her back, I decided I should save the game, so I tried. Guess what? IT FREAKING CRASHED
This is getting really annoying. I *think* I saved it after she had the babies, if not, I KNOW I saved it right before she had them, so I didn't actually lose a whole lot, but still. It's really annoying.
When I play today, which I'm actually about to do right now, I'm going to save it every 10 minutes -.-

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I've posted (I think)three , maybe two, posts today, lol
here's another

My ghost sim, and the fembot sim, had the baby
and guess what?
It's twins
MIXED TWINS! meaning one boy, one girl. Never had that before

here they are

The girl's name is Shadow, the boy's name is Dagger
Now I need the parent's to get married
I'm sending Echo to France.



Is weird that my sim, who is a ghost hunter I might add, dating (and carrying the child of) a ghost? lol
what's even weirder is that I made her to look like a fembot

this is the couple:

I know you can't see their faces, but whatever. I've posted about the girl before anyway :P
also, notice how he 'died of old age', yet looks like a Young adult? well that's because he did die of old age. I took him into CAS and made him a young adult again


I've been wanting to have a ghost baby ;-;
If I ever have a real baby, I want it to be a ghost baby ;-;


about $40 ;-; so I can reorder Late Night, lol
If the walmart in my town wasn't so lame, I wouldn't have to in order to have the day it's released, but my walmart IS lame, they won't have it the day it comes out. They never do. Not even with movies.
therefore, I must preorder!
I've got about $18 right now.only $22 to go!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

late night

I saw a post in the late night section of the forum on the TS3 website, the OP said that they think Late Night will be a disappointment like the other EPs were
I agree somewhat. I thought the other two EPs were cool (ESPECIALLY Ambitions) but a lot of people have complained that they suck (especially WA-it's fun, but it got boring fast.)
Everyone is SUPER excitied for Late Night, and I think they think it will be grater than it really is
so we'll probably see a lot complaining about how much late night 'sucks'
If it is as good as ambitions, then I know I'll love it. I already do just because of the vampires, so I know I won't be let down or disappointed
but others will, since there is obviously no pleasing them >:[
EA can't make everything perfect, or do everything you want them to
Stop being so negative about them, ya bitches. If you really didn't like EA, you wouldn't be playing the sims, so stfu. you obviously like it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Goths!

So, I decided to take a break from the family I was playing, and went to Sunset Valley. I wanted to play the Goth family, since I never got to see what Mortimer's parents looked like (when I first got the game, I played sunset valley, but didn't even realize the goths were in the town until his parents were dead, and he was a YA)
I really liked Mortimer's dad :O he is one good looking sim. I decided to edit him a little though, because I didn't like his hair or beard thing. I changed his skintone too though, I had halloween on the brain, and late night. When Late Night comes out, I definitely want to make him a vampire, he fits it well.
I decided to give his wife a makeover too, I didn't like her face a whole lot. I gave her the same vampire like skintone as I gave gunther
I then had Mortimer invite Bella over, and I used to a cheat to add her to the family, then aged her and Mortimer up to teens. Bella was SO ugly D: nothing like she is in the other sims games. So I HAD to give her a makeover. and Now she looks nothing like Bella, lol. I made her look more 'goth' and vampire-like, like I did all the Goths. I gave mortimer a tiny makeover, by giving him the same skintone as his parents, and fixing his awful eyebrows, and weird lips.
here's how they look





Like I said, Bella looks nothing like her self , but whatever :p
I really really like Gunther

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I Think..

That I want to marry a Marine Today, my grandma was talking to me about something (I can't even remember what now) and she randomly says "A tall, handsome, dark haired boy is out there waiting for you, and when you meet him, you'll know it" she talks as if I'm and older person who has had little luck in the love department. I just turned 18, grandma. Love can wait, lol
After she said that, I started thinking, and I don't know, Marines are cool and hotter than the other army fellows.
All I know for sure, is that I don't want to marry someone younger than me. I like older guys. and I'd prefer themto be tallerby more than like, two inches. Trust me, that's not easy to find where I live


Monday, September 20, 2010

so I tried ot make a berry sim. fail. She reminded me more of a flower, so I named her Tulip. I don't have any pictures of her yet though. I made a halloween sim today too though, and I have pictures of her. I think she's pretty neat. This is her ;

Her name is Echo. She is a fembot, she was designed to be the ultimate woman

she is avaliable for download
the robot looking skin is transferable, that's how I got it. the hair, not sure, and I'm not sure where it's from either. Her skintone is from MTS (the fawkes euphoria skin, or something like that)
the robot skin thing is recolorable though, so you can make it whatever color, but it needs to match the head, lol.
the robot 'skin' is found in the accersories section of the clothes

Super sweet

I'm going to attempt to make some berry sims today. I think berry sims are so pretty :D they almost alway shave a beautiful hair color.I hope I don't epically fail again though D: I've tried it before, and well, it didn't go so great aha. If they turn out okay, I'll probably post pictures :3

Sunday, September 19, 2010

These them.

I'm going to give a list of programs I use with my sims 3 games. They're all very helpful and you should definitely download them.
  • Delphy's Dashboard It will search any folder you have .package files in, and tell you which are corrupt, which ones will conflict with another, duplicates, disabled, and sims2 packages. It's amazing, get it now.
  • Delphy's sims3 pack multiinstaller it's a program that lets you convert sims3 packs to .package files. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would rather have them in .package form :D
  • s3ep this lets you combine packages, up to 400, to make it one file. great if you have a lot, and it slows your game down. all you do is click file > new
    then resource > import> (Experimental) as .dbc

    then once you get to a folder with the .package files in it, hit ctrl+a to select them all. then it'll make it in one file. If you use the max amount of 400, it's going to take a while. an hour at least. but it's worth it, just make sure none of the files are corrupt first.
  • Sims, oh my!

    So I made a simself.

    I don't think she looks like me D: but the nose is pretty close. good enough I guess XD